The FIRST Humanoid Robot Factory
RoboFab is the first full-scale humanoid robot factory in the world. It’s the home base for producing our robot Digit and the accessories that go with it. Located in Salem, Oregon, RoboFab is a shining example of American manufacturing excellence.

The Agility Robot Manufacturing System
RoboFab is a CapEx light assembly facility. That means no heavy machinery or costly industrial equipment is used to produce the Digits that come off the assembly line. The facility itself, as well as the Agility Robot Manufacturing System (ARMS), is highly scalable to meet the immense commercial demand for Digit.
At peak capacity, RoboFab can produce 10,000 robots per year. However, we will ramp up to eight units per shift in the first year, which will allow us to refine the system while we avoid wasting time and resources. More importantly, we will produce a large number of robots right out of the gate.
The assembly line is divided into work cells for the major sub-assemblies, including legs, arms, torsos, and actuators. It is designed to produce each sub-assembly in roughly the same amount of time. Our unique system is tuned for an entire robot to come together simultaneously and then move on to final testing.
Each work cell can quickly expand or be duplicated to increase production capacity. It's a structure that allows for high-rate manufacturing and producing robots in large quantities without requiring expensive modifications to the process or shutting down the assembly line to make adjustments.
With ARMS, we have a blueprint for quickly and cost-effectively building more RoboFabs as needed.
Ramping Up to Producing
Robots Per Year
Parts Per Robot
Agility has been batch-manufacturing Digit robots since 2020, producing more humanoid robots than any other company. With a brand-new factory designed for high-rate manufacturing, that gap will only grow.